ha ha ha! which video did Annie send you? cause I think that we were at the church when she was recording it... but I can't remember. :D but yeah, she really is super cool. but you know... I'm not really sure when President Dewsnup starts thinking about when it's time to transfer somebody or not... but if already been here for three transfers... I'm not sure if I would be going this next one or not. I don't think so, though. I don't feel like I am, so I think I'm good. :D but speaking of president Dewsnup! HA HA! I have found his self! he actually IS a pretty funny guy, he just hides it VERY well. Very VERY VERY well. heh, he has to be more of a figurehead than our buddy is what I think it is. BUT, he'll be your buddy in the interview no problem :D sooooo... yeah. as far as I know, I'm on president's good side now. sweet. :D but I really would absolutely LOVE to stay here as long as possible. Caguas just... I dunno. I feel like it fits me. :D
yes: YAY FERNANDO! for sure! :D oh yeah! and we went bowling with him last week, so I'm gonna toss some fotos of that on here as well. :D
ha ha ha! have there been a lot of parents calling mission presidents recently? understandable, but if there was anything that was bad happening to one of the missionaries here, I'm sure president Dewsnup would let the parents know without any problem. BUUUUT, DO get those 72 hour kits ready, lady! they're important! :P
Ah, good. I'm glad that Breanna FINALLY came to get her letter. gosh. you know what? it's been over SEVEN MONTHS since Bryan told me that he had a package for me. HA! you know what? I bet you that it might even turn into a coming HOME package! HA HA HA! why would that not surprise me? xD
WHAT?! sister Jung is going home!? WHAT?! THAT'S CRAZY! tell her I say "hi", please! :D
no. way. Austin gets to go to SCOTLAND?! WHAT!? that is so sick. that lucky punk. gah, and, AND, he's already gone to England. man... and Reuben gets to go to Germany. wow. that's one of those things that I really wanna do: go travel. I think that would be so cool to do. just to travel all over the place. well, that one think I would get to do with my Band, right? good thing I plan on being rich and famous so I can do all that stuff, eh? :D
aw man... Donny has been sick? that's a real bummer... :-/ and Hannah is getting sick. when is her trip do D.C.? and if anything, you could just send her out anyway, even if she IS sick, ja ja ja! :D but what IS gas up to now? cause they measure it in liters here... yeah. its like three liters to the gallon just about, right? I have no idea. xD
wait... Grandpa went down to PORTLAND for a job interview? his job wouldn't be down THERE would it? cause that's long trip!
speaking of mystery picture! ha ha ha! turns out, the picture I got was the one of Marissa ( (almost formerly)NEUMANN) pointing at the gum wall! :D Ha ha! sweet. did I ever get the chance to see that? cause I don't really remember if I have or not... heh heh...
speaking of stuff to send me, well you know how you were asking if there was anything that Annie might be needing? heh heh, WEEEELL, she did tell me that if you had a spare boyfriend that was handsome and had lots of money to send him right over! she's been needing one of those! even a family photo would be good!" (hey, I wouldn't mind one of those either, you know? :P) so yeah... but, :D I just wish that I had a way to pay her back for her awesomeness. so yes. but if you can't get any magic goin' on, s'all good. :)
ok. SOOO, I had a quick question. We've been going to the Dentist quite a bit recently, and every time I go, they seem to find more and more cavities... and what they WANT to do is basically, (AND what they have already done to two of them) is drill apart the tooth then do a restoration. and the last two times felt like they did a LOT of drilling... erm... now, I'm no expert on dentistry, but I'm not sure if that is ABSOLUTELY necessary, and so far, every visit is turning out to be around a hundred bucks. ew gross... I just looked at the receipt... ew. turns out that my FIRST trip was up to 90 bucks and then 160 for my visit last week... GROSS! and THEN, I got a quote for the next two appointments that I have... 230 bucks. *sigh* SO, I was wondering what you had to say about the whole having half of my drilled drilled out (oh, you know what? they good news is that the restoration perfectly matches my teeth color. goodness.... otherwise I'd be coming home with TONS of metal in my mouth.) but yeah,... what is your opinion on that? what should I do? lemme know, cause my next appointment is on the 29th, and then after that, the 30th. hook me up, yo. :)
also. ok. so Elder Bednars visit, right? Ha ha ha! FINALLY! :D so, we had two visits with him. we had the missionary exclusive meeting, and then we had our stake conference meeting the next day. so the missionary meeting was about making our investigators Agents, not objects. so, think about it. what IS an object? like a rock? its an item that has an OUTSIDE force works on it, it cant act for itself. an AGENT is a thing that can act for itself. like a PERSON. :D SO, they whole idea is that we want our investigators to act for themSELVES, not have us tell them what to do. that's the key, because that's what will get them converted.
for the stake conference meeting, we learning about how believing is seeing, but seeing isn't always believing. I can't remember the better part of the meeting, but one thing that I DO remember, was how when he got up, he told us that he had been wondering what he was going to make his topic be, and when he opened up a little gift that one of the girls in the congregation, he saw the little magnet that said "Puerto Rico, seeing is believing" he told us that the spirit said "that's your topic" I was like, "wow, that's amazing! he just pulled that from that? and this and that and that and this. bleh bleh bleh... bluuh bluh bluh" I want to be able to do THAT! that would be INCREDIBLE! it was a really good talk.
but yeah... I have to bust a move, it's a little later than I thought. please do get back to me about the dentist thing though. :D that would be fantastic.
so, until next week! I LOVE YOU!
~Brandon (Elder Bryan)
AH! and the pictures:
1 and 2, me Elder Harvey and Fernando after bowling! :D
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