(also! more pictures. DAH! I forgot a Subject line for the last email.... lets make it... oh, I don't know.... come up with something. :D)
1) BEHOLD! the Scratader. a hybred... hibred? bighbred? highbread? <--- thats the "special bread" I think. ha ha ha! anyways... a hibred... hybrid AH! there it is. he's a hybrid between scrat and a predator. and very Epic. be carefull. :D
2) yay! Elder Harvey, Annie and I! :D that was at a family home evening that we had at the parents house of a recently left missionary. (they arent members yet)
3) mmm. a Polo and a tie. the new hot style for 2011! trying to keep right in front of the next hot fashion, yo!
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