Wed, Apr 20, 2011
Well... that is surely an old picture. However, I can't tell who that weirdo is. You know that second one from the left? Crazy kid. Where the hecksters did you find that picture?
DAH! I'm sorry I haven't sent the pictures yet!!! KNO EESTA BHUNNEE!? :'( I'm such a failure! ...and then this week is gonna be even more difficult, cause we have the Easter conference this weekend, and because of that president has cut our P-Day short... we only have until TWO today to get stuff taken care of... but it's ok. we got up early to start our day earlier. :3 so yes. news. that puts us at... this Friday and Saturday. :D hers the email that I received from President about the conference:
"Queridos misioneros:
La Misión va a celebrar la Pascua este año con una Conferencia de la Misión viernes el 22 y sábado el 23. Todos los misioneros necesitan llegar a la oficina de la misión a las 3:00 pm viernes el 22 vestidos en sus trajes. Necesitan saber y traer lo siguente:
1) Los Líderes de Zona necesitan asegurar que los misioneros vienen en forma de "car pool" o sea juntos para no gastar más gasolina que sean necesaria.2) Si tienen sus pasaportes o visas o I-94, hay que traerlos consigo y entregarlos a la Hermana Button. Ella va a guardarlos.3) Todos los misioneros de las Zonas de Ponce y Mayagüez van a quedar la noche de viernes en el area metropolitana y por eso necesitan traer consigo sus propias almohadas y sábanas y toallas.4) El sábado vamos a hacer un proyecto de servicio y por eso deben traer ropa para trabajar que puede ensuciarse.5) El sábado también deben traer ropa misional para otras actividades después del servicio.6) El sábado deben desayunar antes de venir a las actividades y deben traer $10 para comprar su almuerzo.7) Van a regresar a sus propios apartamentos el sábado por la noche para poder estar en sus propias áreas el domingo.
Si todos venimos con un espíritu de amor y reverencia y lo mantenemos durante la Conferencia de Pascua, va a ser una de las experiencias mejores de toda nuestra misión.
Presidente y Hermana Alvarado"
Unfortunately it's in Spanish... so you can't really understand it... heh. And then, to make matters worse, Google translate sucks. Oh well. basically all that it really says is that we're going to have a service project on Saturday that we need to bring clothes for... um... come in our suits... bring our passports if we didn't leave them in the office already... heh, heh... oops. Yeah, I gotta do that. Have ten dollars for lunch on Saturday, and eat breakfast before coming out to the service... stuff like that. but we ARE going to be doing a special singing montage that wasn't mentioned there where we are going to be singing a verse each of how great thou art, I believe in Christ, He is risen, and then that other Easter song that I can't remember the name to in English... poop. Oh well. That other Easter hymn. You know the one. :)
Other news: President Alvarado came and stopped by each of the bishops in the Ponce stake center (Ponce cuatro y Ponce dos) and had a little talk with them about Jacob 5:48... (I think...) basically, that is the reason that we are doing the centers of strength and all this crazy stuff with tons of missionaries in one place. The roots do not have enough strength to hold the branches. (speaking of which, the other two new Elders are in a different apartment, thank goodness) so now with us having three companionships in one ward, and Elder Radmall leaving to do his special project, there was a vacancy left for district leader. After church, President and Elder Button, the secretary for President, came to give us some specific instruction on how to work more effectively with Obispo Feito... and something else happened. Something ridiculous. I'm now the district leader! :-O It's ridiculous! I just gave my first district meeting yesterday... gah, I was so tired too, and because we have them at 7 in the morning in the chapel... it was horrible! I never realized how HARD it is to be an effective district leader. Well... I guess that’s what I get for asking the Lord to help me build my faith. I have a lot of stuff to work on... but. At the very least, I'm very grateful for this opportunity that I have received from my heavenly father to serve others. Apparently there’s something that I know that I can teach to other missionaries. Apparently. I dunno, we'll see. This last Monday and Tuesday, we also had the excellent opportunity to get to work with two Elder's from the special project: Elder Zenger, ex assistant, and Elder Crawley. Elder Zenger came with Elder Black and I, and Elder Crawley went with Elder Hargadon and Elder Jensen. I learned a mountain of things... wow. How grateful I am for the chance that I had to be able to work with someone who knows how to be a good missionary. I'm even more grateful that Elder Black had the chance to see an excellent missionary’s example to help him grow. It was crazy.
So yes... that’s the crazy news for this week... quite crazy.
For Donny: tell him heck YES I want to have lunch with Mr. Bain when I get back! That would be so awesome! I had actually been thinking about asking him if I could do trumpet lessons again... but this time actually practicing and everything. You know. So that I can REALLY learn how to play... that would be fantasmilastical. :)
Maybe Ella was tellin everyone else that she wasn't gonna come back up so that she can just spend some private time with us? :3 you think so? I dunno. I definitely think it would be worth finding out though. Would you happen to have her email?
Well, at this point, it almost sounds like Pierce has more points in it. Especially from adding yours into it. eh heh heh heh.
So it sounds like Hannah might be going to school with me! :-O cause, I mean... WARMOTH?! That’s almost a complete Trump card there, man. Getting to work at Warmoth... oo, it makes me feel all warm inside and want to giggle. Guitars, guitars, guitars... mmmm, custom guitars. ooohooo hooo.
Poop... no I have yet to complete a letter to send out to Miss Stephanie... I know that I need to get something out to her quick... I've been getting the prompting that I NEED to... but I every time that I sit down to write, I just can't get my thoughts organized enough to get things moving from my mind onto the paper! Gah... I should be able to soon... hopefully...
BUT, you need to send me some pictures of those crazy pancakes! :D and to answer your question about french toast, actually... I did make french toast about a week ago. :3
Well, it appears that everyone’s all finished; I suppose I have to go.
I love you more than I love giving wonderful district meetings. 
~Brandon (Elder Bryan)
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