WOW, the exchange students are getting here a whole week before July, pretty much. Wow. Are they still planning on leaving at the same time, or are they moving the go home date sooner because they're coming sooner? And... I'm not sure if you've already told me this or not, but do you already know who you're going to get as a student? Boy or girl?
Ah! I also wanted to ask you about your study of 2 Nephi 2. Did you find anything spiffy or receive any new revelation about it?
So, missionary work news!
Elder Black and I actually had the wonderful opportunity to get to work with Elder Varner (he was an Elder that came out in my group who was my zone leader for a few transfers and now he's what they call a "traveling minister". he goes around with all the companionships in the zone and does two day trade-offs with them. It's something new that president has instituted, and every zone has one now) last Saturday and Sunday. He’s such a gospel knowledge master. It was great to finally get the chance to work with him. He’s so great.
On Tuesday... wait. YESTERDAY, we had a special combined magical district boot camp thingie of training and fun instead of regular old boring district meeting. The zone leaders were there and some other "traveling ministers" from Mayaguez. We talked about the doctrine of Christ, how to better begin teaching and how to better place commitments. After we finished with all of that and more (practices) we went out to go eat and get to work. Every companionship received a special little booster. A zone leader or traveling minister came out with them to help the companionships to better apply the preach my gospel points that we learned in the morning. First off, guess what? There was something I" forgot to tell you about from transfers. Elder Putnam was made ZONE LEADER! :-O he was the one that replaced Elder Varner on his way out. So we had the pleasure of getting to work with Elder Putnam yesterday after our special combined magical district boot camp thingie of training and fun. :D it was pretty sweet. But of course, even though we set up appointments with the people that we were going to teach yesterday just the DAY BEFORE, because we were doing a spiffy training thingie, almost everything fell through. LAME! I don't know why, but that ALWAYS happens! It’s ridiculous. >:( blarg! But yes. It was still GREAT! :D
So recently we've been more on bike because president has downed the amount of miles that we get (again) from 900 to 800, so now that I still am going to Yauco every Friday (75 miles round trip plus traveling In Yauco) we've got to make some sacrifices to make this work. So, we’ve been doing some biking. Which is nice, cause you know how much I love to bike. No joke! I really do! But anyways, I've also been doing some pretty heavy working out every morning and every night before I go to bed. I picked up a jump rope from the store and I do that right before I start to work out so that I can get that blood pumping! And as a matter o fact, I borrowed Elder Gordons book of tai chi exercises, so me and Elder Black are going to add that into our mornings as well. XD
YES! a new album from Neil Zaza! and a new one from Joe coming in October... and then a NEW ALBUM with the new Dragonforce comes out in SEPTEMBER!? Oh my goodness, such amazingness all around! This deserves a bouncingly very happy face!:
YES! no talk in stake conference. BONUS! :D {... the Stout kid i was telling you about last week well he didn't go to the MTC till this week so that means that he will get there exactly one transfer before you go home. It would be really cool if you got to be his first trainer! The stake had it's general priesthood meeting last Sunday night and they asked him to speak and bare his testimony. You will get off pretty lucky, there is no big meeting within months of you coming home plus the stake conference in the fall will be one of the broadcasts from salt lake, oh but there is the evening adult session! i guess you aren't totally off the hook after all!}
But yes. I'm afraid I’m going to have to bust a move now, but I love you more than I love finding more and more things to have to think about involving my time when I get back and my future! :-O but really though. There are just so many things that keep coming up! Our road trip, school, the Invader Zim marathon that I'm gonna have with Steph (lol), jobs?, serving the orphans in South America. So many things!
"one MORE thing!" ... "ayah, Jackie!" {ya, we didn't get either}
~Elder Bryan (Brandon)
PS: Steph informs me that you haven't updated the blog since DECEMBER?! :-O WHHHAAAAAAAAT!? that’s like, over nine thousand! (Minutes)
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