Current Location and Address
Puerto Rico, San Juan - East Mission
Puerto Rico, San Juan - Mission
Adjuntas, PR 00601
Mark 1:4 and 9
4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.
Christ was not baptized for the remission of sins because he had none. But, as Nephi recounts, he was baptized for the following reasons:
(1) As a token of humility before the Father;
(2) As a covenant that he would keep the commandments;
(3) As a prelude to receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost;
(4) To gain entrance to and be saved in the kingdom of God, for no one, not even the Son of God, can so obtain without baptism; and
(5) As a pattern and an example for all men, and so that he could say: “Follow thou me” and also, “He that is baptized in my name, to him will the Father give the Holy Ghost, like unto me; wherefore, follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.” (See 2 Ne. 31:5–12.)
Bruce R. McConkie, “A Man Called John,” New Era, May 1984, 4
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Re: jinxed myself!
Ha, ha, ha, that’s a good one!. :) {Howdy doody? oops that is #2 so how are things in the #1 department? Drinking lots and lots and lots? and lots? KEEP drinking! Is it helping?} But yes... I have been drinking lots of water, and it seems to be helping so far. But we'll see. I AM dying after all.
Man, this week was just loaded with stuffs for yous guys!
First off, I finally got a standalone email back from Bryan, and some of it involves plans that he wants to do. First question that he had: about PAX prime, a gamer convention August 26th, 27th and 28th. I want to go. :3 but I don't know if that would interfere with schooling or anything... also... I have no idea about that. 'cause enrollment all done already, right? Or was it that LDS BC accepts all the time? I can't remember. I dunno. My minds really unorganized right at the moment...
So... yes. I haven't been able to reply to Annie... that’s my fault. I'm a FAILURE! :-( I SWEAR that I haven't forgotten about her. It’s just as you said. I've just been really busy... it's even been really hard to get replies to letters that I got a few months ago... dah! Including Miss Andrea AND Miss Stephanie... however, I DID get the wedding invitation from Elder Harvey. And Yes. He is married. That bum. He totally was telling me that he was gonna wait till I got back. Poopy.
Well, at least Robin and Chase will get there relatively soon after my arrival. That’s better than them not showing up at all. :P ;)
REALLY? The students are getting there LATE? So does that interfere with their allotted time to stay? Or do they still have to bust a move at the same time as the years before? But that’s cool that we're gonna have a girl for Hannah this year. :)
WOW! Alan is going into the NAVY?! You were right. lol, I DIDN'T guess! That kinda comes as a surprise to me.
WOO! Full FAFSA! Sweet! I feel so privileged now. :3 is it possible for you guys to check up on the Pell grant or any other scholarships that I might be able to pick up? 'cause that would be wonderful... I'm definitely going to need the most money that I can possibly get so I don't die... :-/
So, if I remember right... Hannah is aiming for an Ivy League school, right? Man... I can't remember anything... pooper scoopers.
DAH! Joes CD came out LAST YEAR?! What?! Well, that just means that there’s another one coming soon. :3 and the FOOT! WOO! Another album! Oh si. That means their next tour will be like next year or something... interesting.
WOO! Mothers day phone call! Only thirty nine days left! :D
For the traveling ministers: well, what they do is, they go about the zone doing tradeoffs back to back. So essentially, they live with eh missionaries that they are doing the trade-off with, but they also have another companionship that is like their "home companionship" in the sense that if they weren't traveling ministers, they would be in a trio with them. Does that make sense? So, depending on their personal preference, they could just skip out on being with their home companionship all the time, or be there for P-day to recharge and one other day along with that.
ok, so for happenings this week. Along with the institution of the family foundation, comes the requirement to get it to be able to go to the Saturday sessions of conference (not including priesthood)! Woo! Good thing Elder Black is a hard worker and helping me out to get it. He’s a monster, man. It’s so hard though. :D I'm super excited, because it's like a mega challenge to get it, and now that we have presidents interviews on Thursday (which almost always take all day), we have to buckle down and try super duper huny dunky big mac super size really, really, really hard :). I'm excited. :D we've been having some amazing experiences since Monday with seeing the lords hand guiding us. :3 we had been needing another family lesson before we went to go share with the relief society president and her husband, and we were thinking, oh no... If we don’t' get this, we aren’t going to get our goal for the day! And then, as we rounded the corner on our bikes, *ding* family. Grandfather and grandchildren. :) He invited us in right away, and was super agreeable. He read the Book of Mormon before, and has it up in his attic. Told us he was gonna go read it and that we could return on Monday to share more. SWEET!
Well... I think you might have to excuse me... I've been a bum and I've tried to keep my mind focused on one thing at a time, but I've just been bouncing around the whole time... however, I had been thinking about the picture situation, right? And I was thinking of just going to Walgreens and making a DVD copy of all my pics so that I can send it home like that, so I can get everything to you... as well as keeping up with something special that I've been working on for Elder Black. :) so I'm going to just stop by there today. We have lots of time, since I'm somewhat set on shopping this week, and emails just about over. So... you should be expecting that... within a week? :3
I love you very much. Much more than I am dying!!!111oneoneone11!!
~Elder Bryan (Brandon)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wed, Mar 23, 2011
WOW, the exchange students are getting here a whole week before July, pretty much. Wow. Are they still planning on leaving at the same time, or are they moving the go home date sooner because they're coming sooner? And... I'm not sure if you've already told me this or not, but do you already know who you're going to get as a student? Boy or girl?
Ah! I also wanted to ask you about your study of 2 Nephi 2. Did you find anything spiffy or receive any new revelation about it?
So, missionary work news!
Elder Black and I actually had the wonderful opportunity to get to work with Elder Varner (he was an Elder that came out in my group who was my zone leader for a few transfers and now he's what they call a "traveling minister". he goes around with all the companionships in the zone and does two day trade-offs with them. It's something new that president has instituted, and every zone has one now) last Saturday and Sunday. He’s such a gospel knowledge master. It was great to finally get the chance to work with him. He’s so great.
On Tuesday... wait. YESTERDAY, we had a special combined magical district boot camp thingie of training and fun instead of regular old boring district meeting. The zone leaders were there and some other "traveling ministers" from Mayaguez. We talked about the doctrine of Christ, how to better begin teaching and how to better place commitments. After we finished with all of that and more (practices) we went out to go eat and get to work. Every companionship received a special little booster. A zone leader or traveling minister came out with them to help the companionships to better apply the preach my gospel points that we learned in the morning. First off, guess what? There was something I" forgot to tell you about from transfers. Elder Putnam was made ZONE LEADER! :-O he was the one that replaced Elder Varner on his way out. So we had the pleasure of getting to work with Elder Putnam yesterday after our special combined magical district boot camp thingie of training and fun. :D it was pretty sweet. But of course, even though we set up appointments with the people that we were going to teach yesterday just the DAY BEFORE, because we were doing a spiffy training thingie, almost everything fell through. LAME! I don't know why, but that ALWAYS happens! It’s ridiculous. >:( blarg! But yes. It was still GREAT! :D
So recently we've been more on bike because president has downed the amount of miles that we get (again) from 900 to 800, so now that I still am going to Yauco every Friday (75 miles round trip plus traveling In Yauco) we've got to make some sacrifices to make this work. So, we’ve been doing some biking. Which is nice, cause you know how much I love to bike. No joke! I really do! But anyways, I've also been doing some pretty heavy working out every morning and every night before I go to bed. I picked up a jump rope from the store and I do that right before I start to work out so that I can get that blood pumping! And as a matter o fact, I borrowed Elder Gordons book of tai chi exercises, so me and Elder Black are going to add that into our mornings as well. XD
YES! a new album from Neil Zaza! and a new one from Joe coming in October... and then a NEW ALBUM with the new Dragonforce comes out in SEPTEMBER!? Oh my goodness, such amazingness all around! This deserves a bouncingly very happy face!:
YES! no talk in stake conference. BONUS! :D {... the Stout kid i was telling you about last week well he didn't go to the MTC till this week so that means that he will get there exactly one transfer before you go home. It would be really cool if you got to be his first trainer! The stake had it's general priesthood meeting last Sunday night and they asked him to speak and bare his testimony. You will get off pretty lucky, there is no big meeting within months of you coming home plus the stake conference in the fall will be one of the broadcasts from salt lake, oh but there is the evening adult session! i guess you aren't totally off the hook after all!}
But yes. I'm afraid I’m going to have to bust a move now, but I love you more than I love finding more and more things to have to think about involving my time when I get back and my future! :-O but really though. There are just so many things that keep coming up! Our road trip, school, the Invader Zim marathon that I'm gonna have with Steph (lol), jobs?, serving the orphans in South America. So many things!
"one MORE thing!" ... "ayah, Jackie!" {ya, we didn't get either}
~Elder Bryan (Brandon)
PS: Steph informs me that you haven't updated the blog since DECEMBER?! :-O WHHHAAAAAAAAT!? that’s like, over nine thousand! (Minutes)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Re: 3.14-PI.E day yay!
Oo, chocolate pie... *drools a little* that sounds so tasty right now... (And pie for breakfast?! goodness, you just went all out, didn't ya?)
Oh my goodness, Hannah’s starting drivers ED?! NOOO! Everyone get inside! Hide your little children! Put the food away! :-O hmm, having a driver’s ED in school sounds kinda dangerous. Sweet.
You know, I've actually been really trying to start peeing golden Rocks, but it hasn't been working... I think I need to eat more potatoes or something. You know... those Yukon Gold ones. But I dunno. I have just mentioned it to president a few times and every time I do I think that he thinks I'm just complaining, or somethin, 'cause he doesn't seem to take it very seriously. *sigh* and the last time I mentioned it to him, he just told me to stop worrying about it because it was never going to go away. I dunno. It might be just because he gets fed up with hearing about all kinds of crap from the missionaries so he just gives the generic "forget yourself and get to work" answer instead of asking about it. Or maybe that’s just me murmuring.
And speaking of murmuring. I'm sorry about last week. I think I just woke up in a bad mood and then sleeping bad just made it worse. My bad.
But No! I ran up to the stuntman because he needs the restored gospel. The sweet motorcycle was just a bonus. :P
Ha, ha, ha, no, no. when I talk about the “flooding of Ponce" I mean this plan that president has made where all the surrounding areas of Ponce, like Adjuntas, Santa Isabel etc... come in REALLY, really early to start working at six thirty until nine in the morning to start finding families. Basically the idea is to strengthen areas of strength, o sea, the cities where there's lots of people. So we divide up our companionships with the people that come in, and then we go out to go contact families. Especially now that president has bumped up the bar. Now instead of having to get the "normal foundation” it’s become the "family foundation". Or in other words, 140 contacts to families, and 20 lessons to families. Crazy, man. Crazy. It’s not impossible, just very, very difficult to get if you're not used to it. So, we just have to move things up to another notch is all.
Ah, testigos. Those fun people that believe that Jehovah is God. You know. JW's. The witnesses. The non believers. :)
Ha, runnin the missionaries hard, huh? That new guy sounded a little grumpy. xD
Hey! You haven't updated my blog!? :P what happened? :'( I thought we were friends? and speaking of friends, I just got an email out to Steven... that’s my bad I hadn't gotten back to him yet, but I made sure to set some time apart to get to him today. :)
Ah! So guess what? Two Saturdays ago we went to Yauco, right? Turns out, it was the coffee festival (Yauco is the pueblo de cafe). So we went to go does some contacts. While we were out, we were walking down the street that lead up to the festival itself and guess who we run into? The MAYOR! :-O oh si, we contacted the mayor. He wasn't interested... but at least he gave us a welcome to Yauco and asked us where we were from. Maybe the camera guy got our picture. That would be spiffy. So yeah. And then after that, we went to go buy some chicken skewers (or "Pinchos" as they're called). As we were walking back to the car, I had to adjust the Book of Mormon that I had under my arm and the pincho in my other arm, and as I did so, we were stepping off the curb onto the street. Well, just my luck too, because I bumped my name tag off my shirt. All I could do was stare at it as it fell to the ground, hit my shoe and stopped right next to the sewer grate. Whew, that was close. And then it bounced INSIDE the sewer grate! :-O NOOOO! So I'm just standing there on the side of the road, feeling utterly naked without my name tag on, and my mouth hanging wide open. I looked down inside and just see my name winking up at me, almost mockingly. After thinking about what to do, we look over to the other side of the street. A farm shop! PERFECT! They HAVE to have something to be able to get this out! After fiddling around with different ideas, we settle on a broom stick with some tape on the end. Huzzah! The name tag of Elder Bryan has been saved. This will be the last time he'll ever escape. unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the helpful NPC, but he knew that I had a quest that I needed to have fulfilled, and he had the perfect item for the job. :3
So yeah... that’s about it for the week.
Oh wait! One more thing. Elder Gordon, one of the Elders in the zone, had one of his family members send him Jackie Chan's address, right? Jackie Chan is like his hero. :) and so he wrote Jackie Chan a letter about how much he's his hero and how he's on a mission for the church and everything, and Jackie Chan sends him a picture that he SIGNED! It was so awesome! And so I have been thinking and I came up with this question: do you think you could send me the address of Neil Zaza or Joe Satriani? :3 if you do I'll be your best friend. :)
I love you so much. More than Elder Gordon loves doing Yoga on our roof. :D
~Brandon (Elder Bryan
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Re: home again, home again
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Re: off i go...
Wow, you're right; it really was a shorty this week. *sigh* well, I guess I'll have to make do with what I've got.
But, at least you get to get up ridiculously early! :D I can just imagine your sunshiny face. Just think about it... you get to go to Cali! :D yay! Even if it IS going to rain!
So, we had transfers this week. aaaaaaaaand, drum roll please, *drum roll* sooooooooo... no changes. :D Elder Hargadon and Elder Radmall are staying together, and so are WE! yay! I still can't believe that it's already been one transfer since he's come in, though! That’s just crazy! And now... holy crap... I only have three transfers left. Holy crap... that’s really soon. :-O wow. That’s pretty crazy, huh?
so... and an update on la familia Ruiz-Rivera... we had a cita with Nestor, el padre... it didn't go very well... we talked a lot about how he knows that the catholic church isn't true, but how he feels amazing going to church there. *sigh* he kept telling us that he feels the same way that we do about "our church" and that he would invite us to his church if he could, so we could see how it has changed him for the better... *sigh* I dunno... but I'm not sure when the next time that we stop by will be...
So, I've been thinking about testimonies recently. That experience with Nestor and a few other people we've been teaching has caused me to think a bit about the things that other people say. I've noticed that others, in other churches, are only able to say certain things. they can say "I believe..." if they are going to talk about their church or about their understanding of the scriptures... but they NEVER say, "I know" I don't think I have met a single person that has said to me that they KNOW their church to be true so far. They ALWAYS say, I believe. However, if someone were to talk about Jesus Christ, in example they say "I know that Jesus Christ is my savior" or, "I know that the Bible is the Word of God" but that is the extent of their ability. I've felt that it adds an extra value to my testimony because I know that I have received it from the Holy ghost directly from God, and I can say with a certainty and conviction that I know this, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, is the only true church on the earth today, the only church with the fullness of the Gospel. And I know that Jesus Christ, my Lord, My God and My best friend, guides this church by speaking directly to a living prophet. I know that this living prophet is Thomas S Monson, and that he has received his authority directly from Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that God Loves us so much that he speaks to us today, and that he worries about each one of us individually as his children.
So yes. I emailed my crazy friends, and now I'm out of time! :-O but I think this still might have been a good email, even if it WAS short. :3
I love you more than Plastic food! :D
~Brandon (Elder Bryan)