Current Location and Address

UPDATE: Reassignment (click)

Puerto Rico, San Juan - East Mission

Puerto Rico, San Juan - Mission

(Remember to keep things upbeat and supportive try to not to share or say things that might distract or make him feel homesick.)

He will be happy to hear from you all.

Current Location:

P.O. box 33
Adjuntas, PR 00601

Mark 1:4 and 9

4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.

Christ was not baptized for the remission of sins because he had none. But, as Nephi recounts, he was baptized for the following reasons:
(1) As a token of humility before the Father;
(2) As a covenant that he would keep the commandments;
(3) As a prelude to receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost;
(4) To gain entrance to and be saved in the kingdom of God, for no one, not even the Son of God, can so obtain without baptism; and
(5) As a pattern and an example for all men, and so that he could say: “Follow thou me” and also, “He that is baptized in my name, to him will the Father give the Holy Ghost, like unto me; wherefore, follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.” (See 2 Ne. 31:5–12.)

Bruce R. McConkie, “A Man Called John,” New Era, May 1984, 4

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Re: How are the changes?

Wed, Jan 12, 2011

Hola hola hola! so for the changes that have happened this past little while:

NEW COMPANION! and I mean new. He’s only got seven months in the mission. :-O but lemme tell you: he is a HARD worker, especially since he's been getting two foundations for the past four transfers. Straight. Elder Putnam is his name, and Washington state is his game. :D he's from Spokane, just in case I didn't specify antes, and he's a pretty sweet dude. Things with the foundation are... well, they're pretty difficult. :-/ there’s always just one more wrench that gets thrown in to make things just  not go as smoothly as you would like them to go. and it's especially difficult because we only really have three days to work in either area, not including P-day... which really has become our makeup day if we don't do well enough in one area or the other...  but, at the very least, I know that this won’t last any longer than March, cause President told Elder Putnam that he's gonna be training one of the 16 new missionaries that are coming in. :3 ha, so if I can just hang in till then... ;) buuuut, it's a pretty good challenge doin’ all this definitely making me move up into doing literally EVERYTHING I can to make sure that I talk with everyone and teach as I find. :)

As for Elder Lehr, meh. ;) naw, I do miss him, but he had to go. It was his time, so I can't really complain. But the best part about it is that he's not lost forever, just till the beginning of July. :) But yes, his parents did come by on Thursday. :D we got to eat at a little place in the plaza called El Paladar, so we could eat some real "comida criolla" and then we parted ways after some good conversation. But THEN, we had a dinner appointment with a less active on Friday that invited us both, so I had to take the opportunity. :3 I couldn't just leave it hanging like that! and THEN Elder Lehr and his family let me know that he had talked with Marcia and Francisco and that they wanted us to come to dinner right after that! WHAT a surprise that was. Super cool! :)

AH! that’s so cool that President sent out the Christmas party foto! I had no idea he was gonna do that.

Well, the T-shirt place that we were gonna use to make our shirts was CLOSED BECAUSE OF THE RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF HOLIDAYS THEY HAVE HERE! GAH! So we didn't get to see our hopes realized. However, we still have our plans for them, so we'll see what happens.

ah yeah! Donny was telling me about his spiffy soldering skills now! :D he said that he learned it all from watching me. Aw. :3 but yeah! you gotta see if you can get a picture of it for me, I wanna see what it looks like.

Wow, robin might be getting a job in a really nice hotel? So she has her interview tomorrow... what would she be doing then if she gets the job?

Ok, so on to your questions so I can answer those:

Copy of the video: I'm not too sure... they never really mentioned anything about it after watching it, so we'll have to see. I might even ask president about it in my email to him.

leftovers for Christmas: well... we didn't get too much... not as much as Thanksgiving... but that’s because we had two more houses that we went to for thanksgiving and we were so stuffed from it that people told us to just go and grab a bunch to take with us if we weren't going to be able to eat. And then they still gave us like two more plates after that... ridiculous. So, not anywhere near as many leftovers as Thanksgiving.

Hard time about the phone call: naw, it wasn't really a hard time, it was just some teasing, like "gosh Elder Bryan, Elder Lehr got off like an hour ago! :P" and stuff like that. ;)

Still no hand delivered present! >:( blarg! but I'm gonna keep asking about it until something happens. that’s the secret. :D

ha! I'm only like halfway through all that candy I got! I’m trying to budget it, cause I don’t' wanna overload myself on it. It’s been a long time since I've had so much. :3

for Stephs package: she actually came home one day to find it sitting innocently on her doorstep as if it had been there the whole time, with no note to explain why it would have run away from the mail man. so she said that she tried to send it again, but to no avail, as the envelope once again ran away from the mail man. Apparently he's pretty home sick. so she's thinking that she's just gonna stuff inside my Valentine’s day, excuse me, singles-awareness day package so he can't sneak away again.

The second package from you: why yes I did! :D thank you so much, that was a total and complete surprise! :D nothing can beat crazy colored marshmallow guns!!!!!! :D

as for marshmallows: well... I'm not too sure... it doesn't seem that I WOULD have a problem, but then again, I've never really had the need to search them out. But I think they would be here.

and paying back Elder Lehr: well, I never paid him back, per se... whoa, whoa, whoa, hey now, don't jump to conclusions here! he spent all the money that he got for his last week in the first two days, so I had to cover him for all kinds of stuff, so technicolory he owes ME. :P

eh... no. I have not sent my memory card home... eh... I think I might have to do that soon. Just in case. You know. Yeah...

erm, ok. so now I have a question for you! Have you been able to work with my guitar at all since I've brought that up? :P cause I don't want anything to happen to the neck, you know! That guitar is my lucky, lucky glow in the dark one of a kind autographed guitar! It’s been just like a guitar to me! Plus, if it gets messed up, that means I'm gonna have to buy a new one! Cause I can't live without a guitar! that’s blasphemy! ...wait. if my guitar breaks... that means that I would have to buy a new one... ...*processing* *PROCESSING*  *PROCESSING!* on second thought, that’s perfectly fine. Don’t worry about my guitar. I don't mind if it breaks or anything. I'll understand.

so yeah, that's the main news of things that are going on. I was feeling a bit better before, but today and yesterday I'm just deSTROYED and crazy tired. I can't even talk straight in ENGLISH today, let alone Spanish... *sigh*

WHY!!!!!!??!??!??!?!!??!??!!!!1111oneoneone11!! Do you think the black market people would do a good job on taking out my kidney? I think so. I mean, they probably washed off their scalpel and stuff in the sink, so I should be good, right? yeah. I'm gonna talk to them today. See what they can do. After all, it IS P-Day.
however, I'm gonna have to bust a move now, I've taken a while writing this, once again... so yeah. 

I love you more than the black market people love illegally obtained organs!

~Brandon (Elder Bryan)

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