HELLO hello hello jello fellow pillow willow gigalo... wait... take that one out. pout, tout, rout, grout, snout. that's all I got.
anyways, hows it going!?
I'm still not sure what the plan is with Elder Lehr and his going home ... :-/ I'm actually up in ponce starting last night and until the end of today's P-Day because Elder Lehr is up in Bayamon spending some time with his going home group, but because He's not going home until four weeks later, he's coming back. so all day today he's gonna be up in El Morro chillin and stuff, and I'm gonna be spending time with the zone leaders all day. WOOT! ponce. fun stuffs. but last weeks P-Day was pretty eventful! we got to FINALLY go on our hike with Alberto! the only problem is that I left my memory card reader back in Yauco because it was a last minute thing they pulled together to get Elder Lehr up to Bayamon. but we got to check out the Marshalls too, he he he. Elder Lehr got a pretty sweet hat that I would be able to send a picture of if I had my memory card reader. but we hung out there for like... two and a half hours before busting a move up to Guanica. :3 but hopefully we'll be hearing about what the plan is for when he leaves. Maybe a treeoh until he goes, or a surprise buddy coming in after or something... I dunno.
he he he, we tossed the leftovers before they got too bad... we ate most o them, but some of them we just couldn't get to, so we just got rid of them to keep them from killing us. but Christmas is coming, so I'm getting ready to fill up the fridge again. :)
oh yes, I shall keep Bryan's birthday presents forEVER. let me tell you, this was a big step here. not only did he actually SEND something, but he also sent it ON TIME. amazing. other presents include two birthday cards from grandma Nita, and a box o goodies from Grandma Jan (including one of the best foods on the planet, Crumpets. :3 ) however, interestingly enough, I also noticed $3.98 missing from my home account. *leers* hmmm. strange.
quick item of business: I should have asked you to do this sooner, but I kept forgetting... it's about time somebody took a look at things with my geetar. I wasn't thinking and I loosened the strings a bit too much with those cards under the bridge, so I'm kinda worried about the truss rod and the neck straightness... so if you could possibly be so kinda so as to pull marra out of her case and take a look at her, that would be fantastic. :) when you take the cards out from under the bridge, be sure to stick the whammy bar in the bridge to lift it up enough to get the cards out then to let the bridge down slowly. too much shock on the bridge could be a problem... :-/ could you do that? :) thank you so much, you're amazing!
so this last weekend, Yauco had an artisan festival! :D live music, arts and crafts representing yauco and a ton of other Latin countries, and TONS of families to talk to! :D unfortunately, I didn't take too many pictures... but the good news is, Elder Lehr's family sent me a birthday present! :D we just got the package yesterday! I got a sweet tie, a letter from Elder Lehr's mom, a card from the family, and some SOX! :D OH YEAH! can't even have too many socks. ;)
I just realized... I only have five more transfers left. :-O that's ridiculous.
also, president wants me to sing el Villancico Yaucono for the Christmas party! it's the Yauco theme/hymn/song thingie for the city thingie. Yauco is actually the city of coffee, El Pueblo de cafe. just so you know. so I'm gonna play the guitar and sing and Elder Lehr will accompany me. :)
a Christmas tie connection with Donny would be pretty awesome... I think I actually might have to go with that. :)
ah! you guys are on the decorating committee!? when did that happen? is is just for the dance itself, or are you guys on the committee in general?
jlbryanx2@juno.com wrote:
Dude, it just cut off!!!!! tear and another tear!!!!!! waaaaaa didn't even say goodbye ;'{ what happened?????/
Re: where is the rest??????
I KNOW! :'( I finishing it up right now. there's all kinda of random buttons, and I'm just so tired I can't really focus, so I keep pushing random things... :-/
jlbryanx2@juno.com wrote:
by the way, the tie has a push button that plays a Christmas song! sweet,cant remember what though!!!! and don't tell Lehr but Freddy's got Yoshi's back in so i got him one!!!!!! woo hoo! now where is the rest of my emaillllllll!!!!!!!!!
Re: ps
are you serious? it plays a christmas song?!!?!?!? AWEOSME!!!! that'll go with my tie that grandma got me last year :3 it's perfect. :D YES! YOSHIS!!!!!!! I'm so excited now. plus I'm trying to finish up the other part of the email... patience! :P
Subject: NOOOOOO!
Subject: Re: NOOOOOO!
aw, vivien gave me some money for my birthday?! she's so amazing.
aw, times up. I love you!
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