Current Location and Address

UPDATE: Reassignment (click)

Puerto Rico, San Juan - East Mission

Puerto Rico, San Juan - Mission

(Remember to keep things upbeat and supportive try to not to share or say things that might distract or make him feel homesick.)

He will be happy to hear from you all.

Current Location:

P.O. box 33
Adjuntas, PR 00601

Mark 1:4 and 9

4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.

Christ was not baptized for the remission of sins because he had none. But, as Nephi recounts, he was baptized for the following reasons:
(1) As a token of humility before the Father;
(2) As a covenant that he would keep the commandments;
(3) As a prelude to receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost;
(4) To gain entrance to and be saved in the kingdom of God, for no one, not even the Son of God, can so obtain without baptism; and
(5) As a pattern and an example for all men, and so that he could say: “Follow thou me” and also, “He that is baptized in my name, to him will the Father give the Holy Ghost, like unto me; wherefore, follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.” (See 2 Ne. 31:5–12.)

Bruce R. McConkie, “A Man Called John,” New Era, May 1984, 4

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Re: Hi, hi, hi!

Wed, Oct 06, 2010

Hola hola hola! good thing we had o come to ponce today, otherwise I woulda missed your email! :D but I'll explain a little bit more about that in a bit.

so for now, here's a little update on things in the life and times of Elder Bryan :3

so first off, I'm sick. yes. that's right: sick. *sigh* I don't know from what, but I've been either throwing up everything I've eaten, ooooor... well, lets just say "or it just runs right through me". :) so yeah... I guess it really started last Monday, but it was just a little hiccup more than anything, and then it just got worse and worse since then until anything involving food just made me feel sick, at one point it was bad enough that I couldn't even eat soda crackers... :-/ but it's getting better. for the least, right? so I've only had some sprite and soda crackers for the last twenty four hours.

so, one of the changes that we've been experiencing is that all of our district meetings are now combined with another district up here in ponce, so every Tuesday we have to make a trip up here. so yesterday, we had our district meeting plus interviews with president. unfortunately, I had to be in the bathroom for most of it. but interviews were good, and since he couldn't make it to the last appointment with Marcia and Francisco, he told us that he would be coming with us tonight (or last night, in today's tense) to the lesson that we had. which he did.

so for the lesson that we had. man, they are seriously so amazing. they really are. :3 So after conference we stopped by their house to find out if they had had the chance to be able to see conference (they had dish network and since they were sick, they were thinking that they probably wouldn't have been able to make it. so we told them to just check it out on BYU TV. fortunately, both of them understand English pretty well.) so we stopped by on Sunday night, right? and they only had a chance to see a little bit, but they recorded all of Sundays session, which means they got to see President Monson's talk (which was amazing. I loved that one too. as well as Uchtdorf's. they both were really really good.) and since they had them recorded, we left them the assignment to see them and take some notes, and after wards, compare what they learned. And when we stopped by last night, they got to see Sunday mornings session! :D and they took notes! :D and president Alvarado Had his notes! :D and he got them out of the car! :D and brought them inside! :D and they all talked about it together! :D WOOT! ok. so President made it. on time, obviously, and he brought one of our zone leaders with him, Elder Oviatt. and they talked and got to know each other and talked about conference, and president reassured that they had received an answer form the spirit that the Book of Mormon was true. so after going through all that, they got to talking a bit more about their family. well, I don't really remember if I mentioned this or not, but they aren't married. :-/ soooo, president talked a little bit about his family and the importance. from some observations about responses of the two, it really seems to me like Marcia really wants to get married again. Francisco seems a... well, a bit apprehensive about the idea. but after a little while, president suggested that they could go on a double date with him and his wife. sweet! so they are going to go this Friday, and they were thinking about going to presidents house so that Justin and Frances, Marcia's kids could meet presidents kids and so the whole family could well, you know, meet each other. sweet. so yeah. that was out appointment with them yesterday. it was amazing. I wish I could have participated, but my mind was kinda fuzzy. but, they are still amazing. so on their double date, president and his wife are gonna talk a bit about the family. :) it's going to be great. :D

oh my goodness, yes. Elder Hollands talk was just so... wow. it was wow.

oo, note for dad: AH! I found out that the legend of the seeker TV series is based off of a series of books! :D I'm not too sure what its called, but I'm sure you'd be able to find out! Elder Lehr had been telling me about this series that he had read that he loved, but he couldn't remember the name, and after describing it, I was just thinking... "wow, that sounds like this!" and turns out, it is. sweet. so you should look those up! :D

hey. who DOESN'T need two laptops? :D but are they GOOD ones? :3

whoa whoa whoa. Hannah got a BIKE and an IPOD!? ha ha ha! what the crap?! look at this! look at this! people are just falling for her left and right! my goodness.

poop... I took too long with my presidents email... and now I have to go.

I love you more than it loves to rain in the month of October! :D

~Brandon (Elder Bryan)

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