Tue, Feb 16, 2010
I wanted you to wait to tell you what? o.O I can't remember what you're talking about... OH! for sending you pictures? ha ha ha! no no no, I just thought that it would be funny to say. I really wasn't just gonna make you wait, I just didn't have my camera cord. :3 wait... that doesn't make any sense... inside information? for what? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? :'( maybe about being transferred? well, for that I didn't know until yesterday! :D and now I know! :D I'm not going anywhere! YAY! I get to stay right here in Caguas! woopee! and with Elder Harvey too. he ain't goin' NO where, so for the first time in my mission, I now have a companion for more than one transfer. sweet. now I feel a bit less ridiculous. :D
Dah! I KNOW I need to eat Annie's food! it's just so hard after being stuffed full of OTHER food! :'( but quite honestly... she feeds us quite a bit. :3 quite a bit indeed.
ok. so now for my dentist appointment. it went well. not too many problems (ha ha ha, well NONE, actually. xD ) but still. it went well. they took care of one on my right side, upper. there were actually two over there, right next to each other, that costed about $160 *sigh* so I paid for that, yes, with my home money. :P and now I've got to take care of the one on the other side. my tooth though is really really sensitive, and has been for the past two days. not before that, but now it seems to be getting more and more sensitive, so I have to talk about that to them next week. they drilled it out and did a reconstruction on my tooth... gah, and I've got to get one on the other side taken care of as well, which is on the appointment next week. and like you were asking about the dentist, yeah, it's basically the same here as it is there. at least THIS one is. but it's not too bad. As for that water battle with the filter that you mentioned, he he he, we actually got one for Christmas from the mission, so actually, you don't have to worry about that. :D
hmmm... that article about the missions changing really IS poorly written, heh heh, cause we are most definitely not combining with the Dom Rep mission. it's just us and the San Juan west mission, which is going to be the San Juan mission. As for the Santo Domingo east and the west indies mission I BELIEVE should be combining with each other. but not us, oh no.
for the islands that we are losing, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao (part of the west mission right now) they are going to the Dom Rep mission. they actually ARE the ABC islands. :P and Barbados is going to the west Indies mission. we get to keep the rest, from what I remember. :)
OO! they didn't tell us who the new mission president was going to be! Jorge M Alvarado, huh? sounds like a Latino name! it's gonna be interesting. I wonder if there's anyone else that knows? when they DO put up the Bio of him, please DO send me that. I wanna know about him. :D and I'm really excited that we're gaining Ponce in the mission. I think it would be SWEET to get the chance to go THERE! :D oh yeah!
yes yes. Elder HARVEY is my companion, NOT elder Bailey. :P but I DID mention things about him in my LAST email! but you're right... I haven't really talked about him... well, he's from Logan, like I said. he's got a farm out in Wyoming. he's more of a Farmie kinda guy. not much for the city. Loves Cars, longs walks on the beach, the smell of rain. ha ha ha! no no no, not the last two, but he really DOES love cars. knows quite a bit about ém, in fact. so yeah... about five eleven, 200 pounds, light brown hair. he's got a girlfriend ladies, so no touchie! ha ha ha! anyways... yeah... what more to say? I don't know... I'm really tired so I can't exactly think right now... :-/ I know, I know... LAME :'( oh, and he's only got 8 months left. yup yup yeppers.
so for my email, now, my email is brandon.bryan@myldsmail.net I still can receive emails from the other one, which will be bumped over to this one, but I don't know for how long. SO, it would be easier just to send 'em to the new one, yo! just do it. like Nike says. also, I bought a sweet Thundercats shirt today. I'm excited. :D
SPEAKING of today, we just went bowling! :D YEAH! I wold send the pictures, but I forgot my cord again... I'M SORRY! I'm always just SO TIRED... *sigh* I'll get them next week for sure. but yeah, we WERE supposed to go with the zone leaders, but Elder Donovan is getting transferred to Barbados... so we brought Lester, our super cool super awesome investigator with us. (that was already part of the plan anyways, but still. :D ) but yeah, it was really fun.
ha ha ha! sweet deal for the tubing up at paradise! sounds like Donny and Cameron had it good for that activity! all girls and them? ha ha ha! xD
so for the dunking, Lester's baptism is this Sunday, and he's not sure who will do it yet, so we'll find out sometime this week. for Fernando the Younger, well... we don't know that one either ha ha ha! we gave him a little paper that he could fill out with the prayers, hymns, talks and baptism, so we'll find out soon enough who he wants to choose to do the dunkin xD
wait, are you saying that your birthday isn't important?! heck yes its important, what are you crazy?! :P I needa get you somethin'. maybe... I think I've got an Idea.
DAH! no FREE TIME when I get back?! :'( what about visiting Puerto Rico with you and Dad? don't you wanna do that? as for the job, will I have time for that if I'm gonna be running off to school two months after I get back? but then again... *IDEA* oh my gosh... you know what? If I don't get into any school cause of my crappy grades, I'm probably gonna have to go to pierce for a little bit, right? to boost my grades? oh my goodness... this would be incredible... oh my goodness. ok, so if I have to stay a little bit to go to pierce... that would mean that I would get the chance to work at Warmoth... oh man. Ken DID say to check them out when I get back, as long as I promised to continue with my schooling. and I don't got no prawblem wif dat! :D oh man, that would be SO sweet! (as emphasized by my giant text.) what do you think? do you think I have a much bigger probability of having to stay and boost my *sigh* my crappy grades before I go anywhere? what do you think about the whole working at Warmoth thing? cause I've even already met Ken, and Thim at Macys is his Ex wife, and we talked quite a bit when I was there... so I think I might have a little step up if I were to go with it. oh goodness that would be sweet.
Blarg! I KNOW I haven't said what Elder Bednar talked about... ok. I'm probably gonna have to grab that next week, cause I can't really remember right now in my tired state... :-/ I know I know, another week, but hold your horses! :P I'll get it, I promise. :P
ha ha ha, no, I have yet to hug my companion. He saves those only for in the evening after comp prayer.
and I would really love to get a Valentines day card. :3 I LOVE YOU! :3
so yeah... I gots to bust a move, outta time, just like always. :'( why is time always so short?!!11oneoneone??!
also, has Bryan sent my package yet? I've been waiting since November.
and keep torturing my cat, cause she's gonna have to get used to all the torture when I get back Ha ha ha!
but yeah, it's time to bust a move, yo! LOVE YOU!
~Brandon (Elder Bryan)
PS: I LOVE the picture that you put up as my Facebook pic. PERFECT! HA HA HA! Annie showed me last time we were there.