Current Location and Address

UPDATE: Reassignment (click)

Puerto Rico, San Juan - East Mission

Puerto Rico, San Juan - Mission

(Remember to keep things upbeat and supportive try to not to share or say things that might distract or make him feel homesick.)

He will be happy to hear from you all.

Current Location:

P.O. box 33
Adjuntas, PR 00601

Mark 1:4 and 9

4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.

Christ was not baptized for the remission of sins because he had none. But, as Nephi recounts, he was baptized for the following reasons:
(1) As a token of humility before the Father;
(2) As a covenant that he would keep the commandments;
(3) As a prelude to receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost;
(4) To gain entrance to and be saved in the kingdom of God, for no one, not even the Son of God, can so obtain without baptism; and
(5) As a pattern and an example for all men, and so that he could say: “Follow thou me” and also, “He that is baptized in my name, to him will the Father give the Holy Ghost, like unto me; wherefore, follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.” (See 2 Ne. 31:5–12.)

Bruce R. McConkie, “A Man Called John,” New Era, May 1984, 4

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Re: Happie Halloweenie

Wed, October 27, 2010

WOO! transfer news! I get to stay another transfer with Elder Lehr! :D plus, I think I might know whats gonna happen the next two transfers as well because he goes home four weeks AFTER this next transfer ends, so I might be staying here to hold down the fort. plus president Alvarado has been wanting us to stay in areas longer, so I might be continuing in Yauco for a while. :) but that's OK with me. the people here are super nice (especially compared to Santurce. *shivers* ) that and it's got a really nice small town feel... but thats kinda due to being a small town. heh... yeah. sooooo, I continue here. :3 woot woot!

so as for my stomach, things are getting better. every day is a little bit better. :) I just need to continue eating slow so that I can build my stomach back up. :-/ but it's better than not being able to eat at all, right? xD

ew, grody. I saw robins picture. did she have a cancerous moll like Donny?! :-O

AH! you know what? I had the most awesome dream last night. :3 I dreamed that... well. OK. so I'm still in missionary attire, right? but this time I had my guitar. and I was walking around with my companion, who wasn't Elder Lehr... but that's really not important to the story, so I'm walking around with my guitar, and we're on our way to go teach somebody. so we get to this house, and we get to the back sliding glass door. guess who was there sitting on a couch? EDDIE VAN HALEN! oh yes. that's right. I dreamed that I went to go teach the gospel to Eddie Van Halen. SWEET! :D

so you think you could send me the foto on my facebook of me with Herman Li in your reply email? :3 Elder Lehr wanted to see it.

WHOA! that is one sweet mo-hawk that you gave Donny! :-O crazy! :D but I really like how his hair looks now. it looks really really good! and did you notice that specific foto makes him look a LOT like Dad. a LOT. it's krayzee!

DAH! I completely forgot that I didn't write anything for what I wanted for my birthday! DOH! I remembered <---that was on purpose. thinking "I'll come back to this after I finish my email" ... blarg. well, I guess I have a chance NOW, right? so lemme think... I always welcome more music. can't lose with that. but you know... I AM coming home in like... whoa... in eight months... and I AM going to need guitar stuff. :P ha ha ha, but really. ok. lets see. I'm not even really SURE... :-/ gosh. I love crackers. :3 really anything that you think would be good. or epic. I like epic things. :D like an 8-bit tie, or a titanium spork. you know. has some pretty epic things. :) and you can't lose with 8-bit.

unfortunately, this week was kinda barren of crazy things or updates... we've been kinda busy with a little emergency that happened on Sunday with the branch and some of the members... but things SEEM like they might be on an uphill climb. we'll have to see with some of the other members and what they say. :)

sorry this emails kinda short... we ran into one of the young women in the branch who goes to the same university and we ended up talking about some of the families that she's working with (as part of the primary presidency :) ) so we might have some less actives we'll get to help reactivate soon. :D YAY! extra support in the branch!

so for that, it's looking like I might have to go a bit earlier than normal this time. I've still got to email president and we've been here a while... :-/

BUUUUUT, I love you more than Dragonforce and Machinae Supremacy! and that's a lot. I hope you feel honored. ;)

~Brandon (Elder Bryan)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Re: Epic or what?????

Wed, Oct 20, 2010

YAY! I DID get the package. and you absolutely right: it IS freakin' epic! HECK YES! a Mario WALLET?! SWEET! I love it! it's amazing. I also love my new chase card. thank you for that. gotta get that activated. I came home two nights ago, and it was just chilling right outside our door. :3 and of course I came right inside and opened it. wheat thins, goldfish, some sweet fortunes (speaking of which, there were some random numbers on those... do you happen know what those mean? ) and some nice letters. :) aw, tell them thank you very much. xD also: that Archie Mcfee catalog was very much welcomed.

but yeah, like I already told you, I'm feeling better. but just not as good as I COULD be. I just need to take eating slow and let everything go down easy, but I'm getting things back together. ha ah ha, and don't worry, president's made it pretty clear to everyone that the only way someone is going to go home is in a casket. xD ha ha ha. we are ALL our brother's keeper. but don't worry about me. I'm fine, and if anything goes wrong (but it probably won't :D ) president would let you know.

so, for ponce: well, we spent a little while trying to figure out if there was public transpo to take us up there... but seeing as Yauco is such a small place, there isn't any. sooooo, after some more searching we discovered that there is two gentleman that go back and forth from ponce to Yauco in some cars everyday from 8 in the morning till 1 in the afternoon. fortunately it's only four dollars per person (it's a 22 mile trip one way) and if we are to take a taxi, it probably would end up ridiculously expensive. so we took the public car. so on Monday we went for the first day, and since we weren't able to stay any later than one because of the guy, we just spent the whole morning contacting in the pueblo square. the people there are quite nice. :3 it was an enjoyable experience. and then yesterday we went again, but this time we had our own car because we had to head up there anyways for district meeting. so we worked the morning in the pueblo and then went to a small area near the beach and worked there all the rest of the day. it was a long day, but it was good. we found this one older guy, ex marine from the 'Nam war, who had talked to the missionaries a TON a while back. probably at least 5 years back. he's a Pentecostal. he told us that when they talked it wasn't a fight or anything, just a mutual share of beliefs. he was an interesting guy. he would probably require a bit of work to get him to have an open mind. -- so it's looking like we might just be going up to ponce to work whenever we have a slower day without a lot of appointments. our next day will be Saturday. :)

so. ideas for you to send me for my birthday. obviously the most important paragraph that I'm going to write. (He forgot to finish the paragraph!)

YAY! Ella wants to come for a visit?! SWEET! so does that mean she's coming in the summer to visit us when I get back? :D 'cause that would be sweet.

whoa! you cut the house number?! :-O so what, are you just gonna be carrying your cell and the 846 # with you all the time? whose gonna have that one? or are you just gonna leave that at home? as for recording the voice message... I would probably say turn the volume up in the home phone all the way so that you can step back from it with the cell... that probably would keep the cell mike from maxing out and clipping to cause all that static... and if that doesn't work... I might have to think on it. xD

oo, Toshiba. well, can't lose with a free laptop, right? :D do they all have built in internet and everything? would mine play games? ;) is that what Donny doing at the table in his hair picture? {:o)

you're gonna have to send me a picture of the house after it's all painted! I wanna see that! :D

so an update on Marcia and Francisco! :D well, we stopped by last Wednesday night and Marcia was out with Frances and her singing class she just started, so we only got to talk with Francisco. but it was PeRfEcT! he felt comfortable enough with us to tell us why he got divorced with Marcia. so we're gonna talk with president and get another cita with them both soon.

aw poop... I'm gonna have to bust a move... it's kinda late now. well, after my email to president I'm gonna bust a move out to clean the car! YAY! :D I'm so excited! I can't wait.

so, to finish: oh yea? well I love you more. :P have a super duper, hunky dunky, big mac, super size, really really good day! :D

~Brandon (Elder Bryan)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Re: Ohhh, nooo

Wed, Oct 13, 2010

WOOT! early especially awesome birthday present! :D I'm excited! but yes... you're right... heh heh heh... I DO need to get my pictures sent home... especially since I haven't sent them home since... heh... ooo... the end of my second transfer... yeah... I need to get those sent out. my bad. I'll get on that.

AH! so the double date for Marcia and Francisco! well, they ended up having it on Saturday night in President's house which is up in Guaynabo (Bayamón). I don't know what they got to eat, but I'm pretty sure it was good. ha! anyways, Marcia and Francisco brought Justin and Frances, so they could meet president's kids. when President called us, he said that it went great. they enjoyed their time. They have only briefly talked about the church and that was it. But, president wants to have another cita (date) with them! :D woot! so this way they will get the chance to have a much calmer atmosphere and have the spirit there in order to discuss the church and what we may be able to do to heal the damage. soooo, no baptismal date yet, but we continually have them in our prayers.

goodness, Gma Laster is already up and trying to do things! GAH! she needs to be careful! she needs to be there when I get back! I promised her two birthday hugs when I get back! :'(
and then one week till Robin leaves... wow. whats she gonna do with all her stuff? is she just gonna ship it down there? pay a truck?

and then Gma is leaving too... you said that you had been considering renting out the room? you know what I just realized? the house is gonna be really empty now... and... heh, much more quiet, too. xD ...just remember to pay your tithing, and wash behind your ears. ;)

speaking of which, how are those laptops that dads been bringing home from work? are they pretty good? I wouldn't know, since you never wrote me back about that. :P ;)

HA HA HA HA HA! "In the news... true story... the owner of the Segway company died riding one! He went off a cliff and fell to his death, so sad!" --- IRONY! ha ha ha! that's HIL... that's horrible. I feel so bad. that poor gentleman. but really though. THAT is some irony.

so yes. NEWS! because things have been a little difficult in Yauco to find new investigators, Presidents giving us a task: we're to be going to Ponce four days out of the week to work there. we actually just got the call from the zone leaders this morning, so I'm not too sure how it's going to work just yet, but they DID tell us that we are going to be searching for public transportation to take us up there at six thirty in the morning. wonderful. *sigh* well, thats just how things go. new Mission story! :D sweet.

so yes. I'm trying to get better. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. xD so I'm gonna keep my eye on all the things that I eat, and definitely going to keep myself hydrated. I don't need to get another kidney stone. that's for sure.

but, I've got to go bust a move and send my email to president now!

I love you more than I get sick on the mission! :D

~Brandon (Elder Bryan)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Re: Hi, hi, hi!

Wed, Oct 06, 2010

Hola hola hola! good thing we had o come to ponce today, otherwise I woulda missed your email! :D but I'll explain a little bit more about that in a bit.

so for now, here's a little update on things in the life and times of Elder Bryan :3

so first off, I'm sick. yes. that's right: sick. *sigh* I don't know from what, but I've been either throwing up everything I've eaten, ooooor... well, lets just say "or it just runs right through me". :) so yeah... I guess it really started last Monday, but it was just a little hiccup more than anything, and then it just got worse and worse since then until anything involving food just made me feel sick, at one point it was bad enough that I couldn't even eat soda crackers... :-/ but it's getting better. for the least, right? so I've only had some sprite and soda crackers for the last twenty four hours.

so, one of the changes that we've been experiencing is that all of our district meetings are now combined with another district up here in ponce, so every Tuesday we have to make a trip up here. so yesterday, we had our district meeting plus interviews with president. unfortunately, I had to be in the bathroom for most of it. but interviews were good, and since he couldn't make it to the last appointment with Marcia and Francisco, he told us that he would be coming with us tonight (or last night, in today's tense) to the lesson that we had. which he did.

so for the lesson that we had. man, they are seriously so amazing. they really are. :3 So after conference we stopped by their house to find out if they had had the chance to be able to see conference (they had dish network and since they were sick, they were thinking that they probably wouldn't have been able to make it. so we told them to just check it out on BYU TV. fortunately, both of them understand English pretty well.) so we stopped by on Sunday night, right? and they only had a chance to see a little bit, but they recorded all of Sundays session, which means they got to see President Monson's talk (which was amazing. I loved that one too. as well as Uchtdorf's. they both were really really good.) and since they had them recorded, we left them the assignment to see them and take some notes, and after wards, compare what they learned. And when we stopped by last night, they got to see Sunday mornings session! :D and they took notes! :D and president Alvarado Had his notes! :D and he got them out of the car! :D and brought them inside! :D and they all talked about it together! :D WOOT! ok. so President made it. on time, obviously, and he brought one of our zone leaders with him, Elder Oviatt. and they talked and got to know each other and talked about conference, and president reassured that they had received an answer form the spirit that the Book of Mormon was true. so after going through all that, they got to talking a bit more about their family. well, I don't really remember if I mentioned this or not, but they aren't married. :-/ soooo, president talked a little bit about his family and the importance. from some observations about responses of the two, it really seems to me like Marcia really wants to get married again. Francisco seems a... well, a bit apprehensive about the idea. but after a little while, president suggested that they could go on a double date with him and his wife. sweet! so they are going to go this Friday, and they were thinking about going to presidents house so that Justin and Frances, Marcia's kids could meet presidents kids and so the whole family could well, you know, meet each other. sweet. so yeah. that was out appointment with them yesterday. it was amazing. I wish I could have participated, but my mind was kinda fuzzy. but, they are still amazing. so on their double date, president and his wife are gonna talk a bit about the family. :) it's going to be great. :D

oh my goodness, yes. Elder Hollands talk was just so... wow. it was wow.

oo, note for dad: AH! I found out that the legend of the seeker TV series is based off of a series of books! :D I'm not too sure what its called, but I'm sure you'd be able to find out! Elder Lehr had been telling me about this series that he had read that he loved, but he couldn't remember the name, and after describing it, I was just thinking... "wow, that sounds like this!" and turns out, it is. sweet. so you should look those up! :D

hey. who DOESN'T need two laptops? :D but are they GOOD ones? :3

whoa whoa whoa. Hannah got a BIKE and an IPOD!? ha ha ha! what the crap?! look at this! look at this! people are just falling for her left and right! my goodness.

poop... I took too long with my presidents email... and now I have to go.

I love you more than it loves to rain in the month of October! :D

~Brandon (Elder Bryan)