Current Location and Address
Puerto Rico, San Juan - East Mission
Puerto Rico, San Juan - Mission
Adjuntas, PR 00601
Mark 1:4 and 9
4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.
Christ was not baptized for the remission of sins because he had none. But, as Nephi recounts, he was baptized for the following reasons:
(1) As a token of humility before the Father;
(2) As a covenant that he would keep the commandments;
(3) As a prelude to receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost;
(4) To gain entrance to and be saved in the kingdom of God, for no one, not even the Son of God, can so obtain without baptism; and
(5) As a pattern and an example for all men, and so that he could say: “Follow thou me” and also, “He that is baptized in my name, to him will the Father give the Holy Ghost, like unto me; wherefore, follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.” (See 2 Ne. 31:5–12.)
Bruce R. McConkie, “A Man Called John,” New Era, May 1984, 4
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
ooops. :3
Pooper scoopers! I forgot to get to you about when we're gonna do PHONE CALLS! :-O so basically, we're gonna do phone calls at Annie's house, so that means that I would be doing calls at around 6:00 to 6:30. I don't know exactly for certain WHEN, cause we're gonna hear from president Dewsnup tomorrow if there's any special things that we need to worry about, but if you need to, you can text Annie and she an give us a call to ask us specifics if I don't get the chance to get back to you next week, for some weird reason. but yeah. SUNDAY, the 9th! around 6 my time... which should be 3 your time... I don't know. email me!
oh... and your question about if I like emails better or letters.... well, I like to receive them both, but for me, I'm not sure about sending them... it all depends, cause sending letters doesn't really have a set time, but email does. plus Elder Harvey doesn't really like to WRITE letters unless they're to his girlfriend, ja ja ja, so yeah... sorry I forgot that... but I like 'em all. no worries! :D
Re: At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?
OH GOODNESS... which arm rest at the movie theater is mine? oooo... I think it might be the left one! gosh... I can't remember! It's been so long since I've gone! ja ja ja! what about YOURS? also: which eye do you look at when you talk to people? their left eye or their right eye? :3 (ja ja ja is ha ha ha in Spanish!)
ja ja ja, no... the foreign invader has not gone ANYWHERE! In fact, I think he's having raves. and I'm feeling them. :'( but only two days ago and the day before that. other than that, I haven't felt anything since I've left the hospital. :-/ blarg, this is so fun! :D can't you tell?! *eye twitches* it's the BEST! :D ja ja ja. but yeah, I've heard the zapping thing is pretty easy and darn near painless (which goes with what you've heard) but it's just the whole thought of, you know, having a little camera and laser shoved up somewhere that doesn't normally have things shoved up there. you know. but I'm very much quite sure that it would be a lot easier than Steve (He named the stone Steve!)having his raves (parties) all the time. :D ja ja ja, of COURSE there's not going to be any funny jokes about kidney stones, it's ridiculous! they're not funny at all. >:-( grr, angry face.
but I don't think that my throat's been tight because of the throwing up, I think it just might be from all of the tension that the stone is causing and where it's been sitting. I have this feeling that most of it might be relieved after Steve leaves. but I think it might just be similar to how you had all of your back tension from the gall stones. when I saw that things kinda fell in place in my head, but then again, that might just be me. xD so yeah... I just hope that its soon. I'm gonna be talking with sister Dewsnup tomorrow at Zone conference/interviews to figure out what she thinks I should do, seeing as my three weeks are up... :-/ so yeah... I guess I'll have news on that tomorrow, eh? well... I mean, I'LL know, but you guys won't. I'm gonna try and send out a letter to let you guys know what she thinks. :3
oh wow. ja ja ja, you REALLY had me confused about when you got pulled over! ha ha ha! who feels stupid? I DO! HA! ok. DRIVING TOO LONG ON THE FAST LANE. now I've got it. wait.... yes. ok. it's there now. driving too fast in the long lane. yup.
ja ja ja, I like Cameron's thing he put on facebook for my letter. that's really good! :D did you see how I had addressed it? xD I didn't want it to get lost if it was coming back to where I am! :D
you know, I miss sharing a room with Donny too... it's just not the same with people that you don't get REALLY well along with (nor are family) but it's very very very very true that I need to send a letter to Donny... I haven't sent him a single actual letter... just emails... *sigh* I'M SORRY DONNY! I
I'm gonna send you one either today or during this week, seeing as I'm such a big failure... :'( please forgive me!
oh goodness, it's good to know that Hannah and Dad are OK. (They were in a fender bender) good thing you explained stuff so well this time! :P I wouldn't have gotten it otherwise. gosh. so has dad been driving the truck more since I've left instead of the trailblazer? (my car! MY CAR!! oh my gosh, my car! do you remember what movie THAT'S from? :D )
WHEW! yes, Old San Juan was super cool! there was lots of REALLY cool shops. I got a FEW pictures, but not a ridiculous amount because we didn't have a super long time and Elder Harvey was looking for stuff for his parents for a while... which... *clears throat* well, I probably should have done that too... erm... moving on, it was cool there. I'm gonna try and go again soon so that I can pick up some cool stuffs for you guys.
so. speaking of our teaching pool! We've got an investigator! :D YAY! his names Oscar, and he came to church on Sunday! YAY! he's really sensitive to the spirit and can really really notice the change that is happening is his life and the difference of how he's felt since hes started reading the book of Mormon and has come to church, which is AWESOME! it's really fantastic that he can notice the difference how he feels. it really helps in the conversion process.
blarg! I've got to bust a move... I've run out of time. BUT, I'm gonna attach some photos from Old San Juan. They're more like puzzle fotos. you print 'em out then put them together! :D woo! OK. I'll send those and then bust a move!
I love you more than ANNIE loves you! IT'S TRUE! IT'S TRUE!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Re: Happy Conmemoración del Natalicio de José de Diego day!
wooo! nothing happened really this week either... :-/ blarg! well, basically we've got like TONS of time to be searching fore more people this past little while, 'cause all of our investigators are now either baptized, avoiding us, or we had to drop them because they weren't keeping their promises to read and pray... *sigh* oh wells, I suppose. success isn't ALWAYS infinite. but yeah. tons of yelling outside of people's houses (everyone has gates here, and the way you get people to come out of their house is to yell inside "buenas tardes" or "buenas noches" so they know you're outside. it's fun stuff, it really is, especially since my throats been really tight since I got out of the hospital. I think that might just be from where the stone is right now, though, so I just gotta wait and see how everything goes. :) but yeah... I've only really felt the stone today and a little bit last night, sooooo I think it might be moving really soon. which I hope, cause it just sitting there is kinda disconcerting. but we'll have to see how everything goes this next week. I've only got one more week to go, and if it doesn't come out, even though the doctor said it was supposed to, then I'll have to go in and get myself some surgery! WOOT! I'm so excited. :'( that would've been really sweet if you had called while I was there with president though! ha ha ha, I wonder what would have happened.
but it is very true, mother's day is coming up! three more Sundays! :D woo! ~kinda crazy that it's already been SIX MONTHS since our last call, ya know?~
I... didn't forget about you're birthday! when was it again? heh heh heh...
ANYWAYS, GUESS WHAT?! today, me and Elder Harvey are going to old San Juan! :D WOO! So I'm in the Trujillo Alto university doing my email right now. I promise I'm going to take lots and lots of pictures, OK? :D I promise. :3
ah, redneck golf. that's the game that we played for mutual one night with Brother Kent Johnson, with the three PVC pipes parallel to each other and you throw two golf balls with a string tied between them at it, and you get one two or three points depending on which of the three poles you hit. it was fun. :D oh ha ha ha, red neck golf pun! :P
Yay! I've gained more sympathy points from the young women! sweet! that makes me feel nice inside.
oh... yeah. Cameron IS waiting on a letter from me. I just haven't really had the chance to write it all out yet cause I've... well, you know. the whole kidney stone thing is really kinda boggin me down. BUT, we have LOTS of driving time today so I'm gonna try and get that done and sent out. it''s been a lot more difficult to get letters out recently cause of the stone and Elder Harvey just really isn't a super big fan of writing letters too much. just to his girlfriend. whatever. I'm working on it Cameron! it's coming soon! (what did he need an amended patriarchal blessing for?) but it's really nice to know that he really looks up to me... I guess I never really realized what kind of an influence I had until I left... it's crazy. but yes... I'm gonna get that letter out soon. :)
ok. so for LDS BC. you mentioned that there's a thingie where the AA only transfers if you take the course thing for an extra year... hmmm... OK. that's interesting. will it not transfer to BYU either unless I take that? the RM scholarship is a VERY nice bonus. ha ha ha, good thing I'm servin a mission, eh? xD OK. and you also can be employed in your chosen field after three years... how does that work? do you happen to know? is it just really because you need to just study first before anybody will employ you? also, is there anything different from LDSBC and BYU I that you saw that would affect me? similar to the transfer hangup thingie at LDSBC? and if you go to a church school you need to have insurance? well... thats interesting. seeing as I don't have any of that... poop. well, I guess that's just more fun, eh? :-/ xD
hoochie! Robin got $5500?! do I have a chance to get that much from FAFSA? that's CRAZY! that would really help a lot. I mean, A LOT. :3
AH! OK. I had no idea that you were talking about Spokane when you were talking about driving on the wrong side of the road.(I was not driving on the wrong side I was just driving in the left lane too long with out passing) ha haha! but then again, I'd been super wiped for the last two weeks. but man! drivin on the wrong side of the road. (I was driving on the wrong side of the road in a remote area that was really icy and the other lane was not at bad! I only did it when there was no other cars!) that must have been sweet! ha ha ha! ah cool! you guys were following the Lewis and Clark trail! gah. you know, I seriously seriously want to go on a road trip when I get back, like no joke. I wanted to go on one before I left, and I did, I guess, in a way. a small, very fantastic one, but I've always secretly wanted to just drive around Washington and SEE things. :D so yes. If your down with it, I'M down with it. and we can bring BRYAN! :D man, that would just make the trip that much more awesome! it would become our road trip of win! Washington, MT, Oregon, Idaho. yes. very very very fun. Very. muy. bien. mucho. un montón! :D oh yeah! but yeah. I got some cash. you know. I think we could pull it off. I would totally start saving up some more now, but it's not really my money to use, heh heh heh, but you can, right? :D yes yes. lets do it.
AH YES! I did very much enjoy my package.(from his friends Bre and Bryan) the cologne smells VERY nice. :3 and the little "picture" book they sent me is really quite entertaining. I've got something that I have to send to Bryan that I think he'll really enjoy, ha ha ha. It's pretty good. :D however, that little egg puzzle was too easy! ha ha ha!
hooray for Angela! that's really cool that she's going to that conference! I think that if she got a blessing to go there, she'll find what she's looking for. very nice. very nice. :D
well, I'm sorry this isn't as long as I wanted to make it, BUUUUUT, we've got to get going so that we can get ourselves out to old San Juan! :D WOOT! so, here I am, about to leave. and before I go, I just wanna express that, well, that I love you more than Robin loves changing her clothes! :D ha ha ha!
but yes. AH! one more question before I bust a move. how does Donny enjoy having his own room? oh noez... one more question! did Hannah get my letter yet?! :D weez! ok. I've got to bust a move!
~Elder Brandon!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Wed, Apr 14, 2010
Re: You're alive!
Ahola! this is Brandon once again! :D so, a little update on myself, now that I'm out of the whole hospital stupor thingie I was in last week... whew, I was out of it forEVER. but yes. so, after I sent out the email, we headed back for super Pday, which was pretty fun. I spent a lot of time playin some volleyball, but they had redneck golf, soccer, tennis and some other stuff. we also had some super DUPER awesome hamburgers done by President Dewsnup. I'll attach some pictures of some of the Elders that I hung out with during my time there. but when I got back from Email, President Dewsnup told me that you called like FIVE minutes after I left to do email. LAME!
as for conference.... well, lets just say I was a little bit distracted.... I didn't get to see any of Sundays, and Saturday night I was feelin a really nasty headache from my teeth and during saturDAY I couldn't really focus myself... I had a little bit of pain in my back from my Kidney and I was in a slight stupor from all the ibuprofen the mission doctor was having me take to find out if it was actually kidney stone pain or if there was just a ridiculous amount of tension on my back from nasty muscles. so... yeah. conference didn't really happen for me, which really really REALLY suck 'cause I heard there were quite a few really good talks. *sigh* but at least the brunt of the pain is over... now I just have to wait. I have about a week and a half more to pee this thing out... and if it's not one, well, basically they'll probably have to take another X ray to find out if I made it disappear without me noticing, or if it's still there. and if it's still there, then I've got a super sweet surgery in store for me. oh yes. I'm so stoked about that. and there's no pill they give me to make it disappear either. there's only a little laser. and ONE point of entry. *sigh I hope I get this out soon. ha ha ha, I don't want SURGERY! especially THERE!!!!!! :'( but hey. I'm not saying that I WANT to know how childbirth feels, but I'm just going with what the doctors have said. and they said that it was WORSE. however, I'm not up for having to go through pain anywhere NEAR that bad ever again, so I'm going to be a good little boy and drink Gallons of water like I'm supposed to and go to the bathroom every thirty minutes because I'm drinking so much. it's very nice you know. going to the bathroom that much. I LOVE it.
other than that, I'm doing great. how are YOU doing?
yay! Hannahs back from DC!!! :D you should have her send me some pics from there. that would be sweet! I wanna see! she sent me a postcard from busch gardens cause she had heard that I was in the hospital. aw, so sweet. it was really nice. :3
aw, the Dicksons are moving to Ridgecrest? that's a bummer.
YAY! Robins going to BYU I, eh? that's a bummer. it woulda been pretty sweet to have gone to college with her, but I guess it's just not meant to be. xD how's she planning on paying for everything? she doesn't have anything saved up, right? how was the tour of LDSBC? does it look like something that I would be able to actually get into? xD ha ha ha. was everything pretty spiffy there?
DANG!!!! that's crayzee that you guys ran into sooooooo many people while you were there in Salt Lake!!! you ran into Jesse and her friend AT Moochies? please do send pictures of everyone you got to see, I WANNA SEE TOO! :P
I really like how Donny's hair looks by the way. very nice. very nice. :D
ha ha ha! you got pulled over in Hamilton? after Driving in the left lane for TWENTY FIVE miles?! gosh. nice play off they. "oh no, I had no idea that I was in the oncoming traffic lane officer" ha ha ha! that's cool though that he was pretty nice. it's a bonus you didn't get a ticket too! but you know, when I get back, I wouldn't mind going on a tour of Hamilton, either. :D do you think a small road trip would be possible? I think that would be really nice, you know. whaddya say? :3 (He didn't understand what I was saying so this is all mixed up and not what really happened!)
AH YES! speaking of April. Leanne already emailed me!!!!! I'm super duper excited for her!!!! :D so it was this last Sunday? :D I WANT PICTURES!!!!
so dad did my taxes and I'm getting about 300 bucks back? SWEET! you know what that means? yes, like you said, it'll help take the bite out of the dentist (ha ha ha! sweet. dentist pun) it also means that I have more money for GUITAR STUFFS! coolio. I'm so excited to pretend that I get to buy more gear, I think I'm just going to cry.
No way! Donny and Theresa are dating now? COOL BEANS! that means I could be related to BRYAN! ha ha ha! yes. that would be sweet. but I have a feeling that Theresa and Donny won't just up and run away. Donny's not that kinda guy, yo. but, it's nice that this might open the door to the whole FAMILY getting converted, eh? hows THAT sound? alright!
also, what does it take to be a sealer in the temple? 'cause dads a veil worker, right? what do you do to do that, too?
anyways, Ive got to bust a move, yo. it's kinda taken a long time to get this thing typed up, and Elder Harvey askes me every few minutes if I'm done yet. ha ha ha. gosh. so impatient.
anyways, I love you super duper much, yo! (more than Robin loves texting at the dinner table!)
~Brandon (Elder Bryan)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
YAY! I'm not dying anymore! :D
well, heres my email! I was hoping to at least get an email asking how I WAS, but I guess not, huh? :P jeeze. oh wells. at least now I can say that I've felt pain worse than childbirth. that counts for something, right? heh heh. (for those of you that don't know yet, I have a KIDNEY STONE! YAY!)
Anyways. I got out of the hospital yesterday and was just so dead that president told me and Elder Harvey to go to the apartment to sleep. blech, and today I'm not much better. Heh, but I'm not dead, and that's what counts. however, I'm not really sure how long I'm gonna be able to make this email seeing as my hand is super sore from where the i.v. was and somehow I think I may have pulled a muscle in my left arm... huh. I don't know. I'm just falling apart, ya know? :'(
anyways. today is the super P-Day! :D YAY! the whole mission (except for those on the islands, those poor guys) is getting together for a p day of sports and games and FOOD! YAY! not that I can really eat. BLARG so lame. but yeah.
so on Sunday, I woke up and my side hurt a little bit. no biggie, just a little worse than normal, so I called sister dewsnup and let her know. She noted it and told me to call her if it got any worse. Well, we pulled up to the church and it was a little worse, but not horrible (and she didn't want me to take any Ibuprofen because the mission doctor had me taking quadruple dosage to see if there was just major tension on my back, and this Sunday was the day that I was gonna quit takin that) so I didn't take any yet. well, waiting for conference to start, it just kept getting progressively worse to the point where I didn't really feel like I could NOT take an Ibuprofen and took one. but it didn't help. so, I spent the first little bit of conference in the bathroom trying to see if that would help. after about thirty minutes of that I decided to head back to the apartment. well, after some throwing up, we FINALLY got a hold of sister Dewsnup and she sent us off to the emergency room. by that time I felt like I was dying. A LOT. yeah...
based on descriptions of me from Elder Johnson and Walker, my zone leaders, I was green. VERY green. and I was throwing up and convulsing with pain. you know. the usual. anyways, it was a long weekend. everything feels like such a far off dream now... and now I feel like I'm just floating along. la la la. but really though. everything in my mind is fuzzy and slow and I feel groggy. :-/ *sigh* so much funion. yes. funion.
wow, I can't even really think right now. well, I CAN say this: no worries, OK? I'm not dead, I'm getting better, and I have three weeks to get this stone out or I have to go in for surgery. sweet.
but yes. thank you all so much for your prayers and just in case, keep prayin for me, eh? that would be really nice. :3
OK, so now that It's taken me so long to get this all typed up, elder Harvey is getting impatient that I'm not done yet and he wants to go to super P Day... well, I love you all, and I hope to hear from you NEXT WEEK! :P
REALLY. no worries. :D
so yes. once again, I love you all and I hope to hear from you soon!
~Brandon (Elder Bryan)